Saturday, September 10, 2011

Cemetery Talk September 18

A Big Run Cemetery Talk is planned for Open Hours at the Franklin Township Historical Society Meeting House on Sunday, September 18.

Dana Crapo, the Society’s treasurer, is also its most knowledgeable person concerning burials in the Big Run Cemetery, across the road from the Society’s Meeting House at 6510 S. Franklin Road. Dana says he has long been bothered by extra names on headstones in the cemetery, not included in the cemetery records made by a locarecorder (Mrs. Leo C. Hoyt)) in the 1960s. (At that time the Big Run Church was still in operation. It became the property of the newly formed Historical Society in 1976.)

Dana, long wondering about those unrecorded names in the cemetery, now believes he may have the answer, that before the Big Run Church was built in the 1870s, there was a Willis Smither family burial plot on the site of the current Big Run Cemetery. That will be the basis for his talk at the Meeting House during Open Hours on Sunday, September.18, at 2 p.m. “I will provide maps and hand-outs,” he says, and invites all interested persons to attend.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Authors Fair - Sept. 24, 2011

The Franklin Township Historical Society is sponsoring an AUTHORS FAIR on Saturday, September 24, from 1 to 4 p.m., at the Franklin Road Branch Library. The event is free, and will provide readers and would-be writers with the opportunity to meet 10 (or more) local authors, look at their books, and perhaps buy an autographed copy or two.

Other features of the afternoon will include a panel led by three authors who represent different aspects of current writing. Brenda (Kight) Lempp will talk about her poetry which she began writing at age 13. She has self-published two chap books which include some of her experiences growing up as one of nine children. She attended Acton Grade School, graduated from Franklin Central and from Franklin College where she earned a journalism degree. She now lives in Madison, Wisconsin, with her husband and their three children.

Panel member Greg Seiter has a full-time job with the AAA Hoosier Motor Club as public affairs manager, and is also a free-lance writer for several publications.including AAA’s Home & Away and SOUTH. He is a graduate of Perry Meridian High School and the University of Indianapolis. He lives in Franklin Township with his wife and two children.

The third panel member is Anne Meyer, a graduate of Broad Ripple High School, and Indiana University. She also did graduate work in Education at Ball State. She received her Diaconal Minister’s Order from Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. She has written many strories, articles, and devotional literature. She has four children, and 6 grandchildren “from 2 to 5 years old.” She lives in Franklin Township with her husband, and is a member of the Acton United Methodist Church.

The panel will each give a brief summary of his/her writing experiences, and then respond to questions from the audience. There will be drawings for several door prizes during the afternoon, a table of used books on writing for sale and light refreshments.

Everyone is welcome. Authors displaying their works will include Joe Skvarenina, Debbye Butler, Duane Nickell, Brenda Lampp, Cindy Whitis, Theresa Hatfield, Gary Straber, Betty J. Spahr, David Ostheimer, Sylvia Henricks,and perhaps others.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Marjorie Main, again on the silver screen

We posted last year when the Historic Artcraft Theatre in Franklin, Indiana showed a classic Marjorie Main film. Marjorie Main was born right here in Franklin Township -- in the town of Acton, to be precise -- and appeared in more than 80 films, often opposite big-name stars such as Humphrey Bogart and John Wayne. She is best known as Ma Kettle, from the series of popular comedies.

If you missed your chance to see Acton's big-screen diva in action -- or if you'd like to see her again -- thank your lucky Hollywood stars, because they're doing it again!

This year, the Artcraft is showing the classic comedy Ma and Pa Kettle Go To Town the weekend of September 30-October 1. Get your tickets early; the theatre, which can seat over 500 attendees, has been known to sell out for popular films. People come from all over the world (literally!) to see movies at the vintage theatre. You can pre-order tickets at the Artcraft's website.

The Historic Artcraft Theatre is a 1922 vaudeville house and movie theatre that is now in the care of Franklin Heritage, Inc. It is staffed by volunteers, and all proceeds from events and ticket sales go toward restoration and preservation of this historic jewel. Arrive early and tour the building, or have a snack at one of Franklin's local eateries.